Title: Do you want to commute to work?......FINE!
Problem: Long and exaggerated commutes to work have led to the following problems (list not complete
Problems: traffic jams, Construction to account for the traffic, gasoline taxes to pay for the construction, easier access to suburbs that are further away, LONGER commute times, traffic jams, Construction to account for the traffic, gasoline taxes to pay for the construction, easier access to suburbs that are further away, LONGER commute times, traffic jams, Construction to account for the traffic, gasoline taxes to pay for the construction, easier access to suburbs that are further away, LONGER commute times, traffic jams, which leads to something else that I cannot think of off the top of my head but Canadians are guilty of sprawling too (see below)....AND everyone thinks they are SOOOOOOO polite (pshfffshaaawww!)
Peripheral problems: Urban blight, urban sprawl, food deserts, waste, CO2 emissions, GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE
My solution: FINE THE (gasoline-powered, automobile) COMMUTERS DIRECTLY....Keep track of who is commuting, how much gasoline, roads, oil, electricity, power, pavement, construction, accidents, and commution they are using, and then make a standard fine for each...then impound their vehicles till they pay...Use the money from the fines to destroy all cars, suburbs, commuters, and CARBON DIOXIDE in the atmosphere
OR My solution: Create policies that Incentivize (give incentives (i.e tax breaks or tax refunds)) companies to offer more pay to employees that commute less in gasoline-powered automobiles to the point that the greatest incentive is given to those who do not spend any energy other than what they have put into their bodies via the form of digested food (direct photosynthesizing commuters are exempt).
CAVEAT: I do not think that this solution has not been thought of before, sooo I will do some research on things that have and haven't worked for people confined to certain geographic areas in the past, present, or future.
What do you think? If you thought anything you are OBLIGATED (being forced, coerced, bribed, or blackmailed) to write it in the comments section below. (The link below is not the comments section, it is a link to the Alabama Academy of Sciences)
http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=682008 (<-------I live closest to #1)